Your MP writes – by Ruth Jones, MP for Newport West
LAST week I attended the Labour Party Conference in Brighton. It was good to catch up with old friends and listen to plans the Labour Party have in the future, including policy pledges in preparation for the next General Election. It was lovely to see Mark Drakeford, Wales’ First Minister, being applauded for the work he has undertaken to keep people safe throughout the pandemic, in stark contrast to the reckless behaviour of the Westminster government.
I am very aware that in just a few days time 9000 households in Newport West will have their Universal Credit money cut by £85 a month. This cut, combined with the increase in rent and other household bills, will have a devastating impact on families here and across Wales. I have continually called on the Prime Minister to reverse his decision to end the £20 a week uplift to Universal Credit, but he, and his Chancellor Rishi Sunak, appear unmoved.
I find it incredible that a man who complains he can’t survive on a yearly income of £161,000 expects ordinary, hardworking people to absorb tax rises and price increases, without an increase in their income at all.
I have had many constituents contact me over the last few weeks to express their concerns about the current financial situation and I will continue to raise this in the chamber and in written questions to ministers.
Next week the Environment Bill returns to the Commons for its final reading. This Bill, although it mainly relates to England, was supposed to be a groundbreaking act that would protect the lives of future generations and our environment for decades to come. I have repeatedly called for the Environment Bill to be strengthened, especially in terms of air quality. We also need to monitor our air more carefully and consistently, as you can’t deal with air pollution if you don’t know where it is.
With COP26 just around the corner, we need to see the UK take the lead as the host. nation to encourage all countries across the globe to work together to prevent further global warming and mitigate against further climate changes.
It is only by everyone working together, that we can succeed in preserving our planet.
My office continues to support people across Newport West so if you have a query or need assistance please contact us on ruth.jones.mp@parliament.uk or 01633 256268.